The Rosary Light and Life - Current Announcements - Mar-Apr 1996


For the ninth consecutive year the National Rosary Congress, now sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima, will be held in the basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the national shrine of the Mother of God in Washington, D.C. The Congress commences Sunday, June 9, and ends Saturday, June 15.

Those who have attended these Rosary Congresses know well the retreat-like atmosphere of this week-long gathering, the wonderful conferences, the hours of Eucharistic adoration, the daily recitation of the Church’s morning and evening prayer, the daily recitation of the whole Rosary with reflections on the mysteries, daily opportunities for confession and spiritual guidance, etc.

The theme of the Congress this year will focus on various topics suggested by the Holy Father in his Apostolic Letter, TERTIO MILLENNIUM ADVENIENTE, written in preparation for the coming third Millennium. In that letter he wrote: “It is appropriate that, as the Second Millennium of Christianity draws to a close, the Church should become more fully conscious of the sinfulness of her children, recalling all those times in history when they departed from the spirit of Christ and his Gospel and, instead of offering to the world the witness of a life inspired by the values of faith, indulged in ways of thinking and acting which were truly forms of counter-witness and scandal.” That statement opens the door to enough topics to fill a month-long Congress, not just a week-long one.

Some of the topics mentioned by the Holy Father that need discussion are: the need of conversion, begging the Spirit for Christian unity, the divisions that came about in the Church during the second Millennium, religious indifference, lack of attention to the Church’s social doctrine, etc.

There will be stressed a National Rosary Crusade in reparation for the sins of the United States. We have heard much in the past about the need of prayers for the conversion of Russia. Our own country is equally in need of conversion. The secularism of our schools, of the judicial, legislative and executive branches of our government, of the media and the entertainment industry centered in Hollywood - have created a culture that leaves little room for God.

For those who are interested in participating in the Congress, the rates for the week of June 9-15 for lodging (for six nights) and meals (brunch & dinner) are as follows:

Double occupancy$385 per person
Single occupancy$433 per person
Priest or Religious$385 per person
Family plan$385 per parent
$100 per child (Max 2)
Extra overnight stay$50
Meals & Conferences only$130
Conferences onlyNo charge (Donations)
Please specify: ( ) smoking ( ) non-smoking.

Please indicate your choice of the above options, and send this information along with your check to the following address:

2 Novenas of Masses in honor of


MAR. 29 - APR. 7 & APR. 8 - 16
to be offered for your intentions.

If you are desirous to receive back copies of THE ROSARY, LIGHT AND LIFE, write for our list of back copies available.

If you know someone who prays the Rosary regularly and is not enrolled in the Rosary Confraternity, encourage them to enroll to gain the added fruits of membership. Enrollment leaflets will be sent to those who ask. Indicate how many are needed.

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